Dumpster Guidelines for EL Residents

All land owners of Eagle Landing have access to the dumpsters located near the front entrance on CR 1520, across from the airstrip hangars.

In order to keep this area safe and clean, you are asked to follow these simple guidelines as well as share in the upkeep of this community area.

  • Only household garbage is to be put into the dumpsters.
  • No building material is allowed. No furniture, hazardous waste or non-biodegradable items are to be put into or outside of dumpsters. Ex: tires, paint, toilets, etc.
  • Empty boxes are to be broken down before being placed into dumpsters.
  • Nothing is to be left outside of the dumpster unit. If the side doors are full, open the top lid for your bag to fit. Make sure the side doors and top lids are closed.

There are places to bring recyclable items such as plastic, paper & cardboard:

  • Brookshires Grocery Store in Jefferson and Daingerfield
  • There is a small trailer at the school bus barn for clear plastic containers, ie: water jugs, water bottles…

Small furniture is usually welcomed at:

  • The Christian Service Center at 208 Coffey Street in Daingerfield. Call 903-645-5510 for operating hours.

City of Avinger Dump day pass can be purchased for $25 for some construction material & oversized items. Go to City Hall to obtain day pass and directions, 903-562-1000.

  • Glass Recycling: Longview Recycling 903-237-1250
  • Longview Compost at 2020 Swinging Bridge Rd. in Greggton. Open Tues.-Sat. 903-236-3066.
  • Longview’s Broughton Recreational Center, 801 S.Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd 903-237-1276. Container with yellow lid.
  • Longview, Tax Assessor office at 3211 W. Marshall. Container with yellow lid.